Trademark Registration
A trademark can be defined as the unique identity that makes your company, product, or service stand out from the rest. A registered trademark is your business’s intellectual property
TM Objection
Trademark applications can get objections under more than one grounds. Following are some grounds on which an examiner can object to the Trademark registration.
MSME Registraion
​Udyam Registration in India or MSME Registration or SSI registration is a certificate that is provided to micro, small, and medium-sized businesses in India under the MSME Act, 2006.
Startup Registration
TAX EXEMPTIONS on income tax for 3 years
TAX EXEMPTIONS on capital gains & on investments above Fair Market Value.PUBLIC PROCUREMENT
FSSAI Registration
​FSSAI License or FSSAI Registration in India is mandatory for starting a food or related business. The FSSAI License is issued by the Food Safety and Standards Authority Act,2006.
Cancellation Surrender of GST
​You can cancel your GST registration if the GST rules don’t apply to you or you are shutting down your business or profession, or the tax officer calls for cancellation.